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+86 °F
Current Conditions-at 17:51:10 on 8 September
Wind Chill => +86 °F
Dew Point => +55 °F
Humidity => 35 %
Barometer => 29.97 In.Hg and Falling
Current Barometer Trend => Falling
Wind Direction => 226° (SW)
Wind Speed(gust)=>
Current Wind Average Speed => 2.2 MPH
Wind Direction(average 1 minute)=> 121° (SE)
Heat Index => +85.1 °F
In Temp => +81.9 °F
In Humidity => 48 %
Current base height of Cu cloud => 2150 meters. (7052 feet)
Current wet bulb temperature => +67.7 °F
Current wet bulb depression => +18.3 °F
Current UTC time => 21:51:10
Current UTC date => 08 September 2006
Current peak rainfall rate => 0 In./hour
Number of days since the last rainfall => 2
Amount of the last (daily) rainfall => 0.39 In.
Rainfall in the last hour => 0 In.
Maximum peak rainfall rate => nil
Maximum peak rainfall rate since changeover and event time => nil
Today's Extremes
High Temperature => +89.6 °F at 16:55
Low Temperature => +69.6 °F at 10:01
Max Humidity=> 79 % at 10:03
Min Humdity => 33 % at 17:12
Peak Wind Gust => 7.8 MPH, 78° at 15:35
Max Barometric Pressure => 30.06 In.Hg at 13:20
Min Barometric Pressure => 29.97 In.Hg at 17:51
Since 9.00am
Dew Point max => +63 °F at 10:03
Dew Point min => +51.1 °F at 13:28
Wind Chill min => +69.8 °F at 10:21
Heat Index max => +77.7 °F at 12:07
Indoor Temperature max => +81.9 °F at 17:51
Indoor Temperature min => +78.3 °F at 12:54
Rainfall so far today since 9:00am => 0 In.
Maximum peak rainfall rate since changeover and event time => nil
Previous 24 hours
Max temperature => +89.1 °F at 16:57
Min temperature => +61.7 °F at 07:28
Max Inside Temperature => +83.3 °F at 22:14
Min Inside Temperature => +78.8 °F at 09:59
Max humidity => 91 % at 09:12
Min humidity => 29 % at 17:11
Max wind gust => 6.7 MPH, 295° at 14:13
Max barometer => 30.06 In.Hg at 09:59
Min barometer => 30 In.Hg at 03:35

Maximum peak rainfall rate => nil
Rainfall in the 24 hours prior to changeover => 0 In.


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